
Bedingungen und Konditionen


Tie Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen von Challenge4Trading (im Folgenden „AGB“ genannt) regeln die Rechte und Pflichten im Zusammenhang mit der Nutzung der von Adnessy S.A.S. angebotenen Dienste (im Folgenden „Dienste“ genannt), die hauptsächlich über die Website Website (im Folgenden als „Website“ bezeichnet). Es ist wichtig, dass Sie diese AGB sorgfältig durchlesen. Wenn Sie mit einem Teil dieser Bedingungen nicht einverstanden sind oder diese nicht verstehen, sind Sie nicht verpflichtet, die Dienste zu nutzen, und Sie sollten davon absehen, bis Sie diese Bedingungen vollständig verstanden haben und ihnen zustimmen.

1.1. These GTC regulate the rights and responsibilities of the Customer (referred to as „you“ or „your“) concerning the utilization of Services offered by Adnessy S.A.S, headquartered in Paris, France, identified by registration number (SIRET): 880 561 055 (referred to as „we,“ „our,“ or the „Provider“) Adress : 80 rue de crimée 75019 Paris.

1.2. Upon registration on the Website or, if registration is unnecessary, before your initial use of the Services, you are entering into a contract with the Provider. This contract pertains to the provision of your selected Services. The GTC are an essential component of this contract, and by entering into it with the Provider, you signify your acceptance of these GTC.

1.3. The Services are designed exclusively for individuals aged 18 and above, residing in the countries where the Services are accessible. By registering on the Website, you affirm that you are of legal age. Individuals under 18 years old are prohibited from using the Services. You agree to access the Services solely from countries where they are available. You recognize that legal restrictions or prohibitions may apply to your access and use of the Services in certain countries, and you commit to using the Services in compliance with applicable laws.

1.4. The Provider is prohibited from offering Services to Customers who: (i) are nationals or residents of Restricted Jurisdictions; (ii) are established, incorporated, or have a registered office in Restricted Jurisdictions; (iii) are subject to applicable international sanctions; or (iv) have a criminal history related to financial crime or terrorism. Restricted Jurisdictions refer to countries identified as such by the Provider and listed on the Website. The Provider retains the right to decline, restrict, or terminate the provision of any Services to Customers under this Clause 1.4. Such Customers are barred from utilizing the Services, including accessing the Client Section and/or Trading Platform.

1.5. The Services encompass various tools for simulated foreign exchange trading on the FOREX market or simulated trading with other instruments across different financial markets. Additionally, they include access to analytical tools, training materials, educational resources, the Client Section, and other supplementary services, predominantly accessible through the Client Section or via applications provided by the Provider or third parties. While financial market information is utilized in simulated trading, you acknowledge that any trading conducted through the Services is not genuine. Furthermore, you recognize that the funds allocated to you for demo trading are fictional and cannot be retained beyond their intended use within the Services. Specifically, these funds are not to be utilized for actual trading, and you have no entitlement to their disbursement. Unless explicitly agreed upon otherwise, you will not receive any compensation or profits derived from simulated trading outcomes, nor will you be liable for any losses.

1.6. None of the services provided by the Provider can be construed as investment services in compliance with relevant laws. The Provider neither offers nor furnishes guidance, instructions, or information regarding the execution of transactions when utilizing the services, nor does it accept such guidance, instructions, or information from you. Moreover, none of the services constitute investment advice or recommendations. The Provider’s employees, staff, or representatives are not authorized to provide investment advice or recommendations. In the event that any information or statement from an employee, staff member, or representative is perceived as investment advice or recommendations, the Provider explicitly disclaims such interpretations and shall not be held accountable for them.

1.7. Your personal data is processed in accordance with the Datenschutzbestimmungen.


1.8. The meaning of the definitions, expressions, and abbreviations used in these GTC can be found in clause 18


2.1. You have the option to request the Services via the Website by filling out the relevant registration or order form. Upon registration, we will send you an email containing the login details for accessing the Client Section and/or Trading Platform.

2.2. The Services encompass various features, including Challenge4Trading Challenges, which may vary in terms of the Services offered (such as the availability of analytical tools for Customers).


2.3. All information provided to us via registration or order forms, the Client Section, or any other means must be accurate, complete, and current. You are responsible for promptly updating any changes to your information within your Client Section. The accuracy and currency of the provided data are solely your responsibility; the Provider is not obligated to verify this information.


2.4. If you provide an identification number, tax registration number, or similar information in the registration or order form or within the Client Section, or if you declare yourself as a legal entity, you will be categorized as a business entity (trader) under these GTC and when utilizing the Services. Consequently, consumer rights granted by these GTC or applicable laws will not be applicable to you.


2.5. The fee for the Challenge4Trading Challenge varies depending on the chosen option, initial capital amount, acceptable risk level, fulfillment parameters for the Challenge4Trading Challenge and subsequent Verification, and other possible configurations. Detailed information regarding individual options and associated fees is available on our Website. The final fee will be determined based on your selected option when completing the Challenge4Trading Challenge order form. The Provider also reserves the right to offer Services under individually agreed conditions, at its discretion. Unless explicitly stated otherwise by the Provider, individual discounts and benefits may not be combined.

2.6. The fee is charged for granting access to the Challenge4Trading Challenge or the Services provided within it. Customers are not entitled to fee refunds if they cancel their Client Section, terminate the Services or the contract (e.g., fail to complete the Challenge4Trading Challenge Basic or Advanced), fail to meet Challenge4Trading Challenges conditions, or violate these GTC.


2.7. If a Customer lodges an unwarranted complaint or disputes a fee with their bank or payment service provider, resulting in a request for fee annulment or refund, the Provider reserves the right to cease providing services to the Customer and refuse future service provision.


2.8. The option selected for the Challenge4Trading Challenge also applies to subsequent Verification. Parameters and currency corresponding to the selected Challenge4Trading Challenge option will be used for Verification and related products. Once selected, options cannot be changed unless ordering a new Challenge4Trading Challenge.


2.9. The Provider reserves the right to unilaterally alter fees and Service parameters, including those for successful completion, at any time. Changes do not affect previously purchased Services.


2.10. Data entered in the order form can be modified until the order is binding. The order is confirmed via email. For Free Trials, confirmation email delivery concludes the order. For Challenge4Trading Challenges, payment finalizes the order, establishing a contract between the Customer and Provider for the Challenge4Trading Challenge and potential Verification. The contract is in English and archived electronically by the Provider.


2.11. To utilize our Services, you must acquire suitable technical equipment and software, including third-party software (e.g., for Trading Platform use), at your own expense and risk. The Website is accessible via commonly used web browsers. Internet access, equipment purchase, and browser acquisition and updates are at your own expense and risk. The Provider does not guarantee compatibility with specific equipment or software and does not charge additional fees for internet connection.



2.12. You recognize that trading platform operators are separate entities from the Provider, and their own terms, conditions, and privacy policies govern the use of their services and products. Prior to submitting an order form, you are obligated to review these terms, conditions, and privacy policies.


2.13. If a Customer places an unusually high number of orders for Services within an unreasonably brief timeframe, the Provider may notify the Customer via the Client Section as a protective measure to address potentially harmful behavior. If such behavior persists after notification, the Provider reserves the right to suspend further orders of Services by the Customer. If such behavior is identified as related to Forbidden Trading Practices, actions may be taken as outlined in Section 5 of these GTC. The Provider retains the discretion to determine the nature of the described behavior and establish reasonable boundaries for such determinations.




3.1. Fees for Challenge4Trading Challenge options are denoted in euros. If a different currency is selected, the fee for the chosen Challenge4Trading Challenge option will be converted at current exchange rates and displayed accordingly before order confirmation.


3.2. Service charges include all applicable taxes. If the Customer is a trader, they are responsible for fulfilling all tax obligations in connection with Service use per applicable law and must pay taxes or fees as required.


3.3. Payment for the selected Challenge4Trading Challenge option can be made via payment card, bank transfer, or other methods offered on the Website.


3.4. Payments made via payment card or express methods are immediate. For bank transfers, a proforma invoice will be sent electronically, and payment is expected within the specified period. The fee is considered paid upon full crediting to the Provider’s account. Failure to pay on time may result in order cancellation. The Customer is responsible for all fees charged by the payment service provider and must ensure full payment for the selected Challenge4Trading Challenge option.



4.1. Each Customer is allowed only one Client Section, and all of the Customer’s Services must be managed within this section.


4.2. The total number of Challenge4Trading Challenges per Client Section may be restricted based on the total sum of the initial capital amounts of the products ordered by the Customer or other parameters. The initial capital amounts cannot be transferred between individual products or combined unless specifically permitted by the Provider. Additionally, the Customer cannot transfer or combine performance, Service parameters, data, or any other information between products.


4.3. Access to the Client Section and Trading Platform is safeguarded by login credentials, which the Customer must not disclose or share with any third party. If the Customer is registered as a legal entity, authorized employees and representatives may access the Services through the Customer’s Client Section. The Customer bears responsibility for all activities carried out through their Client Section or Trading Platform. The Provider assumes no liability, and the Customer is not entitled to compensation, for any misuse of the Client Section, Trading Platform, or Services, nor for any negative consequences resulting from such misuse, if attributable to the Customer.


4.4. The Customer acknowledges that the Services may not be available continuously, particularly due to maintenance, upgrades, or other reasons. The Provider is not responsible, and the Customer is not entitled to compensation, for any unavailability of the Client Section or Trading Platform, or for any damage or loss of data or other content uploaded, transferred, or saved through these platforms.


4.5. The Customer can request the cancellation of the Client Section at any time by emailing [email protected]. Such a request constitutes termination of the contract by the Customer, resulting in the termination of Services, including access to the Client Section and Trading Platform. Upon receipt of the cancellation request, the Provider will confirm termination via email. No refunds will be provided for fees already paid or costs incurred.




5.1. During demo trading on the Trading Platform, you may conduct transactions unless they involve forbidden trading strategies or practices outlined in clause 5.4. You also agree to adhere to standard market rules and practices for trading on financial markets, including risk management rules.


5.2. You acknowledge that the Provider can access information about your demo trades on the Trading Platform. By using the Services, you consent to the Provider sharing this information with affiliated persons/entities and authorize them to handle this data. These activities may occur automatically without further consent or approval from you, and you are not entitled to any compensation for the use of this data by the Provider.


5.3. The Provider bears no responsibility for the information displayed on the Trading Platform or for any interruptions, delays, or inaccuracies in market information displayed through your Client Section.


5.4. Forbidden trading practices.  


5.4.1. During demo trading, it is prohibited to:

(a) wissentlich oder unwissentlich Handelsstrategien anwenden, die Fehler in den Diensten ausnutzen, wie z.B. Fehler bei der Anzeige von Preisen oder Verzögerungen bei deren Aktualisierung;

(b) Trades über einen externen oder langsamen Datenfeed durchführen;

(c) allein oder in Absprache mit anderen Personen, einschließlich zwischen verbundenen Konten oder Konten, die bei verschiedenen Unternehmen von Adnessy SAS ( geführt werden, Geschäfte oder Kombinationen von Geschäften zu tätigen, deren Zweck es ist, den Handel zu manipulieren, zum Beispiel durch das gleichzeitige Eingehen entgegengesetzter Positionen;

(d) Geschäfte im Widerspruch zu den Geschäftsbedingungen des Anbieters und der Handelsplattform durchzuführen;

(e) Software, künstliche Intelligenz, Ultra-Hochgeschwindigkeit oder Massendateneingabe zu verwenden, die Sie bei der Nutzung unserer Systeme oder Dienste manipulieren, missbrauchen oder Ihnen einen unlauteren Vorteil verschaffen könnten;

(f) Gap-Handel betreiben, indem Sie einen oder mehrere Trades eröffnen:

— (i) wenn wichtige globale Nachrichten, makroökonomische Ereignisse oder Unternehmensberichte oder -gewinne („Ereignisse“), die den relevanten Finanzmarkt beeinflussen könnten (d.h. den Markt, der den Handel mit Finanzinstrumenten erlaubt, die von den Ereignissen betroffen sein könnten), geplant sind; und

— (ii) 2 Stunden oder weniger, bevor ein relevanter Finanzmarkt für 2 Stunden oder länger geschlossen wird; oder

(g)auf andere Weise Geschäfte tätigen, die im Widerspruch zu den tatsächlichen Abläufen auf dem Devisenmarkt oder einem anderen Finanzmarkt stehen, oder auf eine Art und Weise, die die begründete Besorgnis begründet, dass dem Anbieter durch die Aktivitäten des Kunden ein finanzieller oder sonstiger Schaden entstehen könnte (z. B. übermäßiger Einsatz von Fremdkapital, übermäßiges Engagement, einseitige Wetten, Kontorollen)


5.4.2. All Services are for personal use only, and you agree not to allow access to your accounts or trade on behalf of others. Failure to comply may result in consequences outlined in Section 5.4.


5.4.3. Customers must apply market standard risk management rules, including avoiding substantially larger or smaller position sizes compared to other trades.


5.5. Engaging in forbidden trading practices may result in various consequences, including termination of Services or reduction of leverage on accounts.


5.6. If forbidden practices are detected, the Provider may cancel Services and related contracts.


5.7. Involvement in forbidden practices may breach terms and conditions with third-party providers and result in account cancellation.


5.8. Repeated engagement in forbidden practices may lead to restrictions on accessing Services without compensation.


5.9. The Provider is not responsible for trading or investment activities outside the Services, even if using data from the Client Section or Trading Platform.


5.10. Trading in financial markets is subject to rapid changes and may not always be profitable. Previous demo trading results do not guarantee future performance.


6. Challenge4Trading Herausforderungen

6.1. After paying the fee for the selected option of the Challenge4Trading Challenge, the Customer will receive the relevant login data for the Trading Platform at the e-mail address provided by the Customer or in the Client Section. The Customer activates the Challenge4Trading Challenge by opening the first demo trade in the Trading Platform. you acknowledge that, by opening the first demo trade, you expressly demand the provider to provide complete services. if you are a consumer, it means the completion of services before the expiry of the period for withdrawal from the contract, which affects your right to withdraw from the contract, as specified in more detail in clause 12. If you do not activate the Challenge4Trading Challenge within 30 calendar days of the date on which it was made available to you, your access to it will be suspended. You can request the renewal of access via the Client Section or by sending an e-mail to [email protected] within 6 months of the initial suspension, otherwise we will terminate the provision of the Services without any right to a refund of the fee.

6.2. In order for the Customer to meet the conditions of the Challenge4Trading Challenge, the Customer must fulfil all of the following parameters at the same time:

6.2.1. the Customer has opened at least one demo trade on at least three different calendar days for the Basic Challenge and one trading day for the Advanced Challenge;

6.2.2. in the course of none of the calendar day(s) during the Challenge4Trading Challenge did the Customer report a loss on any demo trades opened and closed on that day, which would exceed the percentage of the initial capital for the respective option as described below:

Challenge4Trading Basic Challenge : Insgesamt 5% des Anfangskapitals
Challenge4Trading Advanced Challenge : Insgesamt 5% des Anfangskapitals

6.2.3. At no time during the Challenge4Trading Challenge did the Customer report a loss on any opened and closed demo transactions, which would exceed in total the percentage of the initial capital for the respective option as described below:

Challenge4Trading Basic Challenge : Insgesamt 10% des Anfangskapitals
Challenge4Trading Advanced Challenge : Insgesamt 10% des Anfangskapitals

6.2.4. the Customer is in a total profit on all closed demo trades amounting to at least the percentage of the initial capital for the respective option as described below:

Challenge4Trading Basic Challenge Schritt 1 : Insgesamt 8% des Anfangskapitals
Challenge4Trading Basic Challenge Schritt 2 Verifizierung : Insgesamt 5% des Anfangskapitals
Challenge4Trading Advanced Challenge : Insgesamt 10% des Anfangskapitals

Die oben genannten Parameter werden hier auf der Website ausführlicher erläutert.

6.3. If the Customer has met the conditions of the Challenge4Trading Challenge Basic Step 1 specified in clause 6.2, and at the same time has not violated these GTC, in particular the rules of demo trading under clause 5.4, the Provider will evaluate the Challenge4Trading Challenge Step 1 as successful and will make the Second Step (Step 2) available to the Customer free of charge by sending login details to the Customer’s e-mail address or Client Section. The Provider does not have to evaluate the Challenge4Trading Challenge if the Customer has not closed all trades.  


6.4. The Customer activates the Verification by opening the first demo trade in the Trading Platform. If the Customer does not activate the Verification within 30 calendar days from the day on which the Customer received the new login data, the Customer’s access to the Verification will be suspended. The Customer may request the renewal of access via the Client Section or by sending an e-mail to [email protected] within 6 months of the suspension, otherwise we will terminate the provision of the Services without any right to a refund.  


6.5. In order for the Customer to meet the conditions of the Verification, the Customer must fulfil all of the following parameters at the same time:  


6.5.1. during the Verification, the Customer has opened at least one demo trade on at least one calendar days;

6.5.2. in the course of none of the calendar days during the Verification did the Customer report a loss on any demo trades opened and closed on that day, which would exceed the percentage of the initial capital for the respective option as described below:

Verifizierung : Insgesamt 5% des Anfangskapitals

6.5.3. at no time during the Verification did the Customer report a loss on the sum of the opened and closed demo trades, which would exceed in total the percentage of the initial capital for the respective option as described below: Verification.
Insgesamt 8% des Anfangskapitals

6.5.4. Customer is in total profit from all closed demo trades amounting to at least the percentage of the initial capital for the respective option as described below: Verification in total 8% of the initial capital;The above parameters are explained in more detail here on the Website.  


6.6. For the Customer to meet conditions of the Verification, the Customer shall comply with the following:  


6.6.1. Customer has met the conditions of the Verification specified in clause 6.5;  


6.6.2. Customer has not violated these GTC, in particular, the rules of demo trading under clause 5.4; and  


6.6.3. Customer has not exceeded the maximum total amount of the capital allocation of EUR 500,000, individually or in combination, per Customer or per each trading strategy, within the meaning of applicable C4T Prop Firm Capital agreement, if Customer is already participating in the C4T Prop Firm Capital. If the above conditions are met, the Provider will evaluate the Verification as successful and will recommend the Customer as a candidate for C4T Prop Firm Capital. The Provider does not have to evaluate the Verification if the Customer has not closed all transactions.  


6.7. If during the Challenge4Trading Challenge the Customer does not comply with some of the conditions specified in clause 6.2.2. or 6.2.3., the Challenge4Trading Challenge will be evaluated as unsuccessful, and the Customer will not be allowed access to the subsequent Verification. If during the Verification the Customer does not comply with any of the conditions specified in clause 6.5.2. or 6.5.3., the Verification will be evaluated as unsuccessful, and the Customer will not be recommended as a candidate for the C4T Prop Firm Capital. In such cases, the Customer’s account and Services will be canceled without refund of fees already paid.

6.8. Provider recommending Customer as a candidate for the C4T Prop Firm Capital in no way guarantees Customer’s acceptance into the C4T Prop Firm Capital. The Provider is not responsible for Customer being rejected by the C4T Prop Firm Capital for any or no reason.  


7. C4T Prop Firm Capital


Sollte der Kunde sowohl die Challenge als auch die Verifizierung erfolgreich bestehen, besteht die Möglichkeit, dass ein Drittunternehmen dem Kunden ein Vertragsangebot für die Integration von C4T Prop Firm Capital unterbreitet. Alle Bedingungen und Vereinbarungen in Bezug auf diesen Vertrag werden ausschließlich zwischen dem Kunden und dem Drittunternehmen getroffen. Adnessy s.a.s. hat keinen Einfluss auf die Durchführung der Integration von C4T Prop Firm Capital oder das Fehlen einer solchen zwischen dem Kunden und dem Drittunternehmen. Der Kunde erkennt an, dass seine persönlichen Daten zum Zweck der Bewertung eines solchen Vertragsangebots an das Drittunternehmen weitergegeben werden können.

7.1.1 Berechtigung zur Abhebung:
(a) Gewinnanforderung: Händler sind berechtigt, eine Auszahlung zu beantragen, sobald sie einen Mindestgewinn von 1% des eingezahlten Kontokapitals erzielt haben.
(b) Zeitliche Anforderungen: Ein Auszahlungsantrag kann frühestens sieben (7) Tage nach der Ausführung des ersten Handels auf dem finanzierten Konto gestellt werden.

7.1.2 Kontostatus während der Abhebung:
(a) Schließung von Positionen: Alle offenen Positionen müssen geschlossen werden, bevor ein Abhebungsantrag gestellt wird.
(b) Nur-Lese-Status/Abhebungsvalidierungszeit: Wenn Sie eine Auszahlung beantragen, wird das eingezahlte Guthaben in einen „Nur-Lesen-Status“ versetzt. Der Handel wird bis 10:59 PM (GMT +1) am letzten Tag des Monats, in dem die Auszahlung beantragt wurde, ausgesetzt. Diese Zeit wird genutzt, um das Konto zu überprüfen und die Auszahlung zu bestätigen.
(c) Anpassung für Wochenenden und Feiertage: Wenn der letzte Tag des Monats ein Wochenende oder ein Feiertag ist, wird der Lesestatus bis 23 Uhr (GMT +1) am nächsten vorangehenden Arbeitstag vor dem Monatsende verlängert.

Beispiel: Wenn ein Händler beispielsweise am 25. Mai 2025 eine Auszahlung beantragt, wird das eingezahlte Konto bis zum 30. Juni 2025 um 11PM (GMT +1) in einen „Nur-Lesen“-Status versetzt.

7.2 GEWINNSCHLUSS AM ENDE DES MONATS: Wenn bis zum Ende des Monats, in dem 30 Tage seit dem ersten Handel vergangen sind, kein Auszahlungsantrag gestellt wird, werden alle offenen Positionen automatisch geschlossen und das Konto wird mit einem Gewinnsplit belastet.
Beispiel: Wenn ein Händler seinen ersten Handel am 5. Mai 2025 ausführt, werden bis zum 5. Juni 2025 30 Tage vergehen. Wenn also bis zum letzten Tag des Monats Juni 2025 kein Auszahlungsantrag gestellt wurde, werden alle offenen Positionen geschlossen und eine Gewinnaufteilung vorgenommen.

7.3 Der Gewinn wird dem Kunden auf der Grundlage eines Steuerdokuments, z. B. einer Rechnung, ausgezahlt. Die Angaben auf der Rechnung müssen stets mit den vom Kunden während des KYC-Prozesses gemachten Angaben übereinstimmen; andernfalls ist C4T Prop Ltd nicht zur Auszahlung des Gewinns verpflichtet. Der Kunde ist für die Richtigkeit der Rechnung und deren Übereinstimmung mit den einschlägigen gesetzlichen Bestimmungen verantwortlich, unabhängig davon, wie sie ausgestellt wird.

Die Höhe des Gewinns ist endgültig und beinhaltet alle anwendbaren direkten und indirekten Steuern, wie die Mehrwertsteuer (VAT), GST (Goods and Services Tax) oder ähnliche Steuern, Abgaben und Gebühren, die nach den einschlägigen gesetzlichen Bestimmungen erforderlich sind. Der Kunde ist allein verantwortlich für die Zahlung aller dieser Steuern, Abgaben oder Gebühren im Zusammenhang mit diesem Vertrag gemäß den geltenden Gesetzen. C4T Prop Ltd haftet nicht für derartige Steuerverpflichtungen des Kunden. Die Währung des Gewinns und der Zahlung an den Kunden entspricht der Währung des Kapitals auf dem Challenge4Trading-Konto des Kunden.




8.1. Legal Protection and Usage Permission


Die Website mit all ihren Diensten und der Kundenbereich, einschließlich ihres visuellen Erscheinungsbildes und aller damit verbundenen Elemente wie Daten, Informationen, Multimedia-Inhalte (wie Texte, Grafiken, Symbole, Audio und Video), zusammenfassend als „Inhalt“ bezeichnet, sind rechtlich durch Urheberrechtsgesetze und andere Vorschriften geschützt und sind entweder Eigentum des Providers oder seiner Lizenzgeber. Der Provider gewährt Ihnen die eingeschränkte, nicht exklusive, nicht übertragbare, nicht abtretbare, nicht unterlizenzierbare und widerrufliche Erlaubnis, den Inhalt ausschließlich für den persönlichen Gebrauch im Rahmen des vorgesehenen Zwecks der Dienste zu nutzen. Der Inhalt bleibt Eigentum des Providers oder seiner Lizenzgeber und wird nicht an Sie verkauft oder anderweitig übertragen.


8.2. Trademarks and Intellectual Property


Alle Marken, Logos, Handelsnamen und ähnliche Bezeichnungen gehören dem Provider oder seinen Lizenzgebern, und Ihnen wird keine Genehmigung für deren Verwendung erteilt.


8.3. Fair Dealing and Dispute Resolution


Sowohl der Kunde als auch der Anbieter verpflichten sich, bei der Vertragserfüllung und den Verhandlungen die Grundsätze des fairen Umgangs miteinander einzuhalten und den Ruf oder die berechtigten Interessen des jeweils anderen nicht zu schädigen. Alle Streitigkeiten oder Meinungsverschiedenheiten werden gemäß diesen Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB) und dem geltenden Recht beigelegt.


8.4. Limitations on Rights


Abgesehen von den ausdrücklich in diesen AGB genannten Rechten werden Ihnen keine weiteren Rechte in Bezug auf die Dienste und Inhalte gewährt. Sie müssen die Dienste und Inhalte wie in diesen AGB beschrieben nutzen.


8.5. Prohibited Actions


Wenn Sie auf die Dienste und Inhalte zugreifen, sind die folgenden Handlungen verboten:


8.5.1. Using tools that could disrupt the Website and Services‘ operation or exploit any errors, bugs, or deficiencies.

8.5.2. Circumventing geographical or technical restrictions.

8.5.3. Creating copies or backups of the Website and Content.

8.5.4. Reverse-engineering, decompiling, disassembling, or modifying the Website and Content.

8.5.5. Selling, renting, lending, licensing, distributing, reproducing, broadcasting, or using the Services or Content in any unauthorized manner.

8.5.6. Employing automated means to access or collect information from the Website or Services.

8.5.7. Using tools or methods that may damage the Provider.


8.6. Protection of Consumer Rights


Die Bestimmungen in Klausel 8 zielen nicht darauf ab, auf Verbraucherrechte des Kunden zu verzichten, die nicht von Gesetzes wegen ausgeschlossen werden können.

9. Haftungsausschluss


9.1. You acknowledge that the services and other content are provided „as is“ with all their errors, defects, and shortcomings, and that their use is at your sole responsibility and risk. To the maximum extent permitted by mandatory laws, the Provider disclaims any statutory, contractual, express, and implied warranties of any kind, including any warranty of quality, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of any rights.


9.2. To the extent permitted by mandatory provisions of applicable laws, the Provider is not responsible for any harm, including any indirect, incidental, special, punitive, or consequential damages, including lost profit, loss of data, personal or other non-monetary harm, or property damage caused as a result of use of the services or reliance on any tool, functionality, information, or any other content available in connection with the use of the services or elsewhere on the website. The Provider is not responsible for any products, services, applications, or other third-party content that the customer uses in connection with the services. In case the Provider’s liability is inferred in connection with the operation of the website or provision of the services by a court of justice or any other competent authority, this liability shall be limited to the amount corresponding to the fee paid by the customer for the services in connection with which the customer has incurred the loss.


9.3. The Provider reserves the right to modify, change, replace, add, or remove any elements and functions of the services at any time without any compensation.


9.4. The Provider is not responsible for its failure to provide the purchased services if that failure occurs due to serious technical or operational reasons beyond the Provider’s control, in the case of any crisis or imminent crisis, natural disaster, war, insurrection, pandemic, a threat to a large number of people or other force majeure events, and/or if the Provider is prevented from providing the services as a result of any obligations imposed by law or a decision of a public authority.


9.5. The provisions of Clause 9 are not intended to deprive the customer of the customer’s consumer or other rights that cannot be excluded by law.


10. Verstoß gegen die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen


Verstößt der Kunde gegen eine Bestimmung dieser AGB in einer Weise, die dem Anbieter Schaden zufügen kann, insbesondere wenn der Kunde entgegen Ziffer 1.3 oder 1.4 auf die Dienste zugreift, wenn der Kunde entgegen Ziffer 2.3 unvollständige, unwahre oder nicht aktualisierte Angaben macht, wenn der Kunde in einer Weise handelt, die den guten Ruf des Anbieters schädigen kann, wenn der Kunde gegen die Demohandelsregeln gemäß Ziffer 5.4, wenn der Kunde gegen Klausel 8.3 verstößt und/oder wenn der Kunde eine der in Klausel 8.5 genannten Handlungen vornimmt, kann der Anbieter den Kunden daran hindern, weitere Dienstleistungen zu bestellen und den Zugang des Kunden zu allen oder nur einigen Dienstleistungen, einschließlich des Zugangs zum Kundenbereich und zur Handelsplattform, ohne vorherige Ankündigung und ohne jegliche Entschädigung ganz oder teilweise einschränken.



11.1. You acknowledge that all communication from the Provider or its partners in connection with the provision of Services will take place through the Client Section or your e-mail address, which you register with us. Written electronic communication by e-mail or through the Client Section is also considered to be written communication.  


11.2. Our contact e-mail address is [email protected].



12.1. If you are a consumer, you have the right to withdraw from a contract without giving a reason within 14 days of its execution (see clause 2.10 for details on the time of execution of the agreement). PLEASE NOTE THAT IF YOU START PERFORMING DEMO TRADES BEFORE THE EXPIRY OF THE SPECIFIED TIME LIMIT, YOU LOSE YOUR RIGHT TO WITHDRAW FROM THE CONTRACT.  


12.2. Your withdrawal from the contract must be sent to our e-mail address [email protected] within the specified time limit. You can use the template form available here to withdraw. We will confirm the receipt of the form to you in text form without undue delay. If you withdraw from the contract, we will refund you without undue delay (no later than 14 days after your withdrawal from the contract) all fees we have received from you, in the same way in which you paid them.  


12.3. The Provider is entitled to withdraw from the contract in the case of any breach by the Customer specified in Clause 10. The withdrawal has effect from the day of its delivery to the e-mail address of the Customer or through the Client Section.  




13.1. If the Services do not correspond to what was agreed or have not been provided to you, you can exercise your rights from defective performance. The Provider does not provide any guarantee for the quality of the services. You must notify us of the defect without undue delay at our e-mail address or at our address listed in clause 11.2. When exercising the rights from defective performance, you may request that we remedy the defect or provide you with a reasonable discount. If the defect cannot be remedied, you can withdraw from the contract or claim a reasonable discount.  


13.2. We will try to resolve any complaint you may lodge as soon as possible (no later than within 30 calendar days), and we will confirm its receipt and settlement to you in writing. If we do not settle the complaint in time, you have the right to withdraw from the contract. You can file a complaint by sending an e-mail to our e-mail address [email protected].  




14.1. The Provider reserves the right to change these GTC from time to time with effect for the contract previously entered into by the Customer. The Provider will notify the Customer of the change in the GTC at least 7 days before the change in the GTC is effective, via the Client Section or by e-mail. If the Customer does not agree with the change, the Customer is entitled to reject it. The Customer must do so no later than on the last business day before these changes take effect by sending the rejection to our e-mail address [email protected]. Upon receiving such rejection, the contract will be terminated. If the Customer does not reject the change, it is considered that the Customer agrees to the new version of GTC.  


14.2. If the change offers the Customer a new service or other additional functionalities or this change is solely to their advantage, the Provider can inform the Customer about this change less than 7 days before the effective date of such change, but no later than the day before its effectiveness.  


14.3. The Provider will mainly change these GTC for the following reasons:  


14.3.1. to introduce new services or products or amend existing services or products; 14.3.2. to reflect legal or regulatory requirements that apply to the Provider;  


14.3.3. when the Provider will try to make these GTC easier to understand or more helpful to the Customer;  


14.3.4. to adjust the way our Services are provided, particularly if the change is needed because of a change in the way the technology is provided or background processes;  


14.3.5. to reflect changes in the cost of running our business.



15.1. It is our objective that our customers are satisfied with the Challenge4Trading services; therefore, if you have any complaints or suggestions, we will be happy to resolve them directly with you and you can contact us at our e-mail address or at our address listed in clause 11.2.  


15.2. This section 15.2 applies only to a consumer who is at the same time an EU resident.  




16.1. Any legal relations established by these GTC or related to them, as well as any related non-contractual legal relations, shall be governed by the laws of France. Any dispute that may arise in connection with these GTC and/or related agreements will fall within the jurisdiction of the French court having local jurisdiction according to the registered office of the Provider.  


16.2. The provisions of clause  

16.1 den Verbrauchern nicht den Schutz vorenthalten, der ihnen durch die zwingenden Rechtsvorschriften des betreffenden Mitgliedstaates der Europäischen Union oder einer anderen Rechtsordnung gewährt wird. 


17. Dauer und Beendigung des Vertrages 


17.1. The contract remains valid for a specified period until the completion or failure of the Challenge4Trading Challenge or Verification as per clauses 6.2. or 6.5. respectively.


17.2. Either party may terminate the contract earlier in accordance with these GTC. Additionally, the contract terminates automatically and immediately if, during the Challenge4Trading Challenge or Verification, the Customer fails to open at least one demo trade for a consecutive period of 30 days.


17.3. Notwithstanding clause 17.2, the Provider reserves the right to terminate this contract with immediate effect if the provision of Services under the contract would impede the Provider’s ability to comply with its legal obligations or with orders or decisions of governmental bodies or other regulators.


17.4. Either party may terminate this contract without cause by providing a written notice at least 7 days in advance as per Clause 11 to the other party.


18. Schlussbestimmungen 


18.1. The Provider has not adopted any consumer codes of conduct.


18.2. These GTC constitute the entire agreement between you and the Provider and supersede all prior agreements concerning the subject matter of the GTC, whether oral or written.


18.3. Nothing in these GTC is intended to limit any legal claims set out elsewhere in these GTC or arising from applicable law. The Provider’s failure to enforce compliance with these GTC by itself or by any third party authorized thereto shall not be construed as a waiver of any right or claim.


18.4. The Provider may assign any claim arising from these GTC or any agreement to a third party without your consent. You agree that the Provider may transfer its rights and obligations under these GTC or any agreement, or parts thereof, to a third party as the assignor. The Customer is not authorized to transfer or assign their rights and obligations under these GTC or any agreements, or parts thereof, or any receivables arising from them, in whole or in part, to any third party.


18.5. If any provision of the GTC is found to be invalid or ineffective, it shall be replaced by a provision whose meaning is as close as possible to the invalid provision. The invalidity or ineffectiveness of one provision shall not affect the validity of the other provisions. No past or future practice established between the parties and no custom maintained in general or in the industry relating to the subject matter of the performance, which is not expressly referred to in the GTC, shall be applied, and no rights and obligations shall be derived from them for the parties; in addition, they shall not be taken into account in the interpretation of manifestations of the will of the parties.


18.6. The schedules to the GTC form integral parts of the GTC. In the event of a conflict between the wording of the main text of the GTC and any schedule thereof, the main text of the GTC shall prevail.


18.7. Prior to mutual acceptance of these GTC, the parties have carefully assessed the possible risks arising from them and accept those risks.



19.1. For the purposes of the GTC, the following definitions shall have the following meanings:  


19.1.1. “Client Section” means the user interface located on the Website;  


19.1.2. “Content” means the Website and all Services, including the Client Section, their appearance and all applications, data, information, multimedia elements such as texts, drawings, graphics, design, icons, images, audio and video samples and other content that may form the Website and the Services (as set out in clause 8.1);  


19.1.3. “Customer” means the user of the Services (as set out in clause 1.1);  


19.1.4. “Events” means events as set out in clause 5.4.1(f)(I);  


19.1.5. “Challenge4Trading Challenge and Verification account” means trading accounts related to trading education courses provided as part of the Services by the Provider;  


19.1.6. “C4T Trader account” means a trading account, which relates to the C4T Prop Firm Capital provided by a third-party provider;  


19.1.7. “Forbidden Trading Practices” means trading practices strictly forbidden while using our Services and are more detailed in Section 5.4 of these GTC;  


19.1.8. “GTC” means these General Terms and Conditions of Challenge4Trading;  


19.1.9. “Provider” means the provider of certain Services (as set out in clause 1.1);  


19.1.10. “Schedules” means Schedule 1 and any other Schedules as applicable, which are part of these GTC;  


19.1.11. “Services” means the Provider’s services as set out in clauses 1.1 and 1.5;  


19.1.12. “Trading Platform” means an electronic interface provided by a third party in which the Customer performs the demo trading; and  


19.1.13. “Website” means the website  


19.2. For the purposes of the GTC and their schedules, the following expressions and abbreviations shall have the following meanings:  


19.2.1. “calendar day” means the period from midnight to midnight of the time currently valid in the France (Central European (Summer) Time, CE(S)T);  


19.2.2. “initial capital” means a fictitious amount that the Customer has chosen when selecting the option of the Challenge4Trading Challenge and which the Customer will use to perform demo trading;  


20. Zahlungsabwicklung


20.1. Paynetics stellt dem Prop-Trading-Unternehmen Adnessy SAS Zahlungsabwicklungsdienste zur Verfügung, um Transaktionen während der Testphase zu erleichtern. Diese Dienstleistung wird auf begrenzter Basis erbracht und stellt keine laufende Verpflichtung von Paynetics dar, Zahlungen für weitere Phasen zu verarbeiten.

Diese AGB treten am 1. April 2024 in Kraft und werden wirksam.[email protected]